Dear Newport Beach Voter,

I’m Nancy Scarbrough and I am running for Newport Beach City Council.

Over the years, I have attended and participated in City Council Study Sessions and meetings, Planning Commission, Zoning Administrator and Aviation meetings, General Plan Update workshops and neighborhood and community town halls.

I have listened to my neighbors from all over Newport Beach as they grew more and more dissatisfied with the lack of representation and transparency in our City government.

Time after time, the Council has voted on issues without the benefit of citizen input, relying too heavily on the opinions of staff, consultants and each other.

It's time to change course!

Over the next four years, we will face challenges arising from State-imposed housing mandates, the economic fallout from COVID-19 and the development of a new General Plan, one that may not align itself with the collective vision of our citizens and business owners.  We are fortunate to live and work in this beautiful community.  And we cannot take it for granted.  We must be active participants in shaping our future and ensure we are heard.

I am ready to be your City Council representative.
I will advocate for you.

I will make it my mission to be informed about the issues that are presented to the Council for a vote or recommendation.  I will continue to be involved in the community, talking to residents and business owners about the current issues that affect our everyday lives, such as:

  • State-mandated Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA)
  • The General Plan Update and the process of public input
  • Housing challenges for the homeless
  • Airport issues such as noise and expansion

I am running against a four-year incumbent who has name recognition but a weak record when standing up for his constituents, especially when it means going against the council majority. At a time when we must deal with these difficult issues and more, we deserve an independent leader, not a follower.  And I am ready to listen and lead.

2020 is a very different campaign year.

This is a unique campaign season, impacted by COVID-19 restrictions on personal interactions. Therefore, my campaign must be creative in providing opportunities to reach Newport Beach voters, and I ask not only for your support of my candidacy, but for your help in reaching out to your neighbors, friends, and other community members.

You can be a part of our effort by putting up a yard sign or helping us deliver flyers in your neighborhood, opening your homes for a virtual reception or setting up time for a one-on-one call with me.  And no campaign can survive without financial contributions from its supporters, for which I would be most grateful.

I plan to send you regular updates on the major topics our City is working on, so please be sure to share them with your neighbors and friends and encourage them to contact me about their concerns and issues.

Details and updates about the topics above, and so much more, are available on my website and social media (see below for links).  My website also offers a list of endorsers, volunteer opportunities and donation options.

Your donation will make a difference.

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